
A moment of grace

When I first saw JMW Turner’s Wreckers—Coast of Northumberland at the Yale Center for British Art, I took it for a classic Turner seascape: churning waves bathed in the characteristic golden glow, a dark storm looming in the distance. But on closer inspection, I was moved by what I saw on the human scale: a moment of grace.…

Laziness is a myth: how to equip students to navigate the hidden curriculum

Social psychologist Devon Price’s article Laziness Does Not Exist is the article I read this year that I haven’t been able to stop revisiting, again and again. Price, who teaches psychology at the Loyola University of Chicago, observes that when a student doesn’t complete assignments on time, teachers may infer that the student is lazy, unintelligent, or…

About Me

Hi, I’m Annie. I’m a storyteller, artist, and animal enthusiast. In my free time, my partner and I spend time cooking, trying new foods, and walking in DC’s parks with our dog Olive.

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